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  • Sector by country

Guinea has maintained a relatively consistent rate of economic growth in the period 1980-2009 and shows an increase in growth over the last decade. The average annual growth rate of the 1980s (3.0 percent) and 1990 (2.7 percent) are slightly below the average rate for the period 1980-2009 to 3.2 percent, the growth rate of 2000 are slightly higher than him, to 3.9 percent.

Agricultural production
Commodities Productions (Tonne) Surface area (HA) Value (*1000FRANC GUINEEN) Yield
Rice (Paddy) 2 325 328,00 3 743 009,00 -- 0,62
Cassava (Fresh) 1 781 776,00 458 718,00 -- 3,88
Maize 809 867,00 1 168 504,00 -- 0,69
Fonio (Paddy) 487 892,00 2 866 379,00 -- 0,17
Unshelled groundnut 666 959,00 3 086 761,00 -- 0,22
Commodities Production (Tonne) Surface area (HA) Value(FRANC GUINEEN)
No data
Commodities Farmers stock (T) Other stock (T) stock value (FRANC GUINEEN)
No data
Commodities Farmers stock (T) Other stock (T) Stock value (FRANC GUINEEN)
No data
Commodities Quantities in ECOWAS Zone (T) Other quantities (ECOAGRIS countries) (T) Value (FRANC GUINEEN)
No data
Commodities ECOWAS zone (T) Other zone (ECOAGRIS countries) (T) Importations value (FRANC GUINEEN)
Maize 10 572,24 -- --
Ordinary imported rice 649 480,11 503 701,00 --
Bambara beans 4 217,10 -- --
Commodities ECOWAS zone (T) Other zone (ECOAGRIS countries) (T) Exportations value (FRANC GUINEEN)
Milled Local rice 0,80 -- --
SESAME 0,95 -- --
Commodities Quantity (T) Value (FRANC GUINEEN)
No data
indicators of CROP PRODUCTION

Indicators Values
Production of major crops :Rice (Paddy) 2 325 328,00 T Découpage1 Découpage2
Production of major crops :Maize 809 867,00 T Découpage1 Découpage2
Production of major crops :Cassava (Fresh) 1 781 776,00 T Découpage1 Découpage2
Total irrigated land surface area -- Découpage1 Découpage2
The number of households having access to irrigated lands/surfaces 464 366 016,00 UN Découpage1 Découpage2
Cultivated lands ratio -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Cereal production per capita -- Découpage1 Découpage2
The rate of households having access to irrigated land areas. -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Ratio of irrigated lands area over the irrigable lands -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Total of small scale irrigated land areas -- Découpage1 Découpage2
The annual average growth rate of small scale irrigated areas -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Total of large scale irrigated land areas (ha) -- Découpage1 Découpage2
The annual average Growth rate of large scale irrigation -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Farming intensity of irrigated land areas -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Contribution of Agriculture in household incomes --
The Average rate of irrigated land area/surface per household --
The growth rate of irrigated land areas/surface per household --
Cropland ratio (The number of crop covering 75% of total surface area) -- Découpage1 Découpage2
The average increase rate of tubers incomes (in %) -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Percentage of households having access to cultivable lands --
The average increase rate for cereal incomes per year (in %) -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Total recovered degraded lands in percentage from the total degraded land areas -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Percentage of arable lands having benefited from installations of CES/DRS techniques -- Découpage1 Découpage2
Surplus grain havest or marketable surplus -3 623,09 T Découpage1 Découpage2